Tudor Chibacu’s gallery
Tudor Chibacu is an astrophotographer from Kingston Ontario, Canada. He has captured many wonderful Astro images with QHY cameras, such as below. 【Cygnus Wall HARGB】
Telescope: Samyang 135mm F2.0 ED UMC
Camera: QHY294M Pro
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Frames: Baader H-alpha 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 52×600″(8h 40′)
Baader O-III 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 46×600″(7h 40′)
Baader S-II 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 36×600″(6h)
Tudor Chibacu is an astrophotographer from Kingston Ontario, Canada. He has captured many wonderful Astro images with QHY cameras, such as below. 【Cygnus Wall HARGB】